Follow Me In My Determination To Change

I thought if I shared my journey I would be more likely to succeed.

Tuesday 24 August 2010


I was away last week for work, I travelled with a very dear friend and a new friend. I talked to both of them about this decision and received a lot of support.

The new friend is an image consultant, or rather that is one of her many skills, she gave me lots of advice on my current image - I present a lot to large audiences and it was great to have her feedback; but she also gave me advice about changing my image because whether I realise or not, the physical changes in me after the proceedure will affect everything.

The dear old friend laughs about everything and alternated between teasing me and asking serious questions. He was the first person to ask me if there was any risks. Yes there are, but the doctors went through those and I am OK with that. This is a friend I can ring at anytime day or night if I have a wobble. I will be visiting with him the week before the operation and although that in itself will be a challenge for the liver reduction diet I need to be following then, I will be able to charge up on support.

Another very close friend has found me sharing this with her, the catalyst to look at something she wanted to change about herself. She looked at everything, talked it through with her partner and professionals and finally decided it wasn't that bad after all. I think that is important, it doesn't matter what people decide it is the careful consideration of an issue rather than the ignoring of it that is wrong.

And finally, today I visit my friend who had the operation at Easter, she has not shared any photographs or weights with me, and I am so excited to see her today.

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